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Showing posts from February, 2021

Back on the Blog

Well, my last post was over 8 years ago. Should we start from the beginning?...just kidding. I'm bringing this blog thing back, as I've signed off the social media circuit. Here is where I'll update whomever, wherever what life is looking like. Read it, or not. The posts will probably be less exciting than the ones I wrote 8 years ago when I was living in a foreign country, having adventures in a culture as different as a camel on a pogo stick. Covid and winter time has been HARD. It's been cold and wet, but not much snow, so really it's just been the hard parts of winter. We have been able to have some fire-side chats with friends. To do that, I need the kind of fire that's so hot, you don't even want a jacket on when it's freezing out. I'll usually start building it an hour or two before anyone comes over to get it that hot. Really, it's become an artform. Aside from these once-in-awhile social "events," we've been home with the d